Thursday, November 21, 2019

Read an article in an art magazine then write the summary Essay - 1

Read an article in an art magazine then write the summary - Essay Example However, one of the art directors was not amused with some of the artworks (Akinsha & Alisa 1). The depiction of President Viktor Yanukovych as an avenger and the overall reflection of the vicious peasant uprising of the 18th century were not welcome amongst conservatives in the Ukrainian art world. Another artist corrected foresaw the impending unrest before it happened. Tsagolov’s The Ghost of Revolution explored the struggles between protesters and police while supported by Mykola Ridnyi. Ridnyi displayed police boots roughly sculpted at the PinchkArtCenter and joined other painters in Maidan or Independence Square for street protest. Other anarchist-artists such as Mann and Ivan used rough walls to draw the image of a famous Ukrainian anarchist leader called Nestor Makhno to inspire protests to continue the demonstrations. However, other artists played safe such as Khomenko of the R.E.P group that drew conventional pencil portraits before giving them away. Performances such as the one titled The Kingdom of Darkness is Surrendered that used mirrors compelled police to view at their own reflections (Akinsha & Alisa

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