Monday, December 30, 2019

Finding Oneself - 1248 Words

Finding my muse, finding myself It is through art, and through art only, that we can realize our perfection ---Oscar Wilde When I was a small child, I was extremely shy. I had to be coaxed to raise my voice in the presence of others. The only time I felt confident was when I was by myself with a handful of crayons in my hand, bent over a piece of paper. While all children love to create art, for me art was more than a way to pass the time. It was a form of self-expression. When I was happy, I could fill the piece of paper with bright oranges and brilliant reds. When I was sad, I preferred solemn blues and purples. When I wanted to show someone I liked them, I drew them a picture. When something was troubling me, I would sort out my feelings in the world of images and colors. When I first embarked upon my artistic career, I gave no thought of being good at art. Art was simply something I did for joy. But as I grew older and picked up paints and colored charcoals and pastels in lieu of crayons, I became more critical of myself as an artist. I was no longer satisfied with just producing art. I wanted to create art that moved other people. I began to take classes in art. I appreciated the structure that having assignments and thinking about art in a formal way brought to my process of creation. At first, it was difficult to accept criticism about something so personal. A part of me wanted me to be like a child and just be free. But my teacher told me that the formalShow MoreRelatedBuddhism : A Way Of Finding Peace Within Oneself1817 Words   |  8 Pages Introduction: Buddhism is defined as â€Å"...a way of finding peace within oneself† (About Buddhism 2007). Buddhists work towards finding inner peace, kindness, and wisdom in all their practices in attempt to reach the ultimate goal of happiness (About Buddhism 2007). 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Value Of Immigrants By Danielle Muhammad - 1579 Words

Final Project: The Value of Immigrants Danielle Muhammad ENG325 Intermediate Composition Donald Olsen August 14, 2017 Final Project: The Value of Immigrants Immigration has, and continues to be, one of the most contentious issues in the United States (U.S.). While some see immigrants as opportunistic thieves, others view them as enormous economy boosters. Immigrants—foreign-born individuals—often have to deal with the negative outcomes of anti-immigrant policies. These exclusionary laws not only increase racial prejudice but also make foreign-born individuals feel less valuable than their native-born counterparts. The laws to some extent also justify the unequal treatment of immigrants (Almeida et al., 2016). Immigrants also†¦show more content†¦In 2007, 5.9 million individuals worked in immigrant-owned organizations. Almost every state had over a hundred thousand natives employed in immigrant-owned firms with California recording 1.5 million workers (New American Economy, 2016). These firms have created revenues of over $4.8 trillion and provided work for 18.9 million people worldwide in 2014 alone. Resear chers have often claimed that were American Fortune 500 companies to make up a country, their revenues would make rank them as the third-highest gross domestic product (GDP) in the world. As consumers, immigrants create jobs by spending their salaries on products and services provided by companies in the U.S. Consequently, this helps in sustaining the jobs of employees in those firms. Also, whenever immigrant workers increase in a particular region, investors build new stores and restaurants, thus increasing job opportunities. In the past, an increase in the population of immigrants resulted in reduced wages for native-born workers in the U.S. Studies carried out by scholars indicate that a one percent rise in foreign-born individuals led to reduction in the earnings of artisans and unskilled workers (Abramitzky Boustan, 2016). However, recent studies have shown that the immigrant population brings more value to the native-born worker wage than harm. The foreign-born workers typically possess a variety of skills and levels of

Friday, December 13, 2019

Social Inequality and Race Free Essays

Running head: SOCIAL INEQUALITY amp; RACE Social Inequality and Race Markus Nehlsen ETH/125 Megan Burke April 21, 2012 Identified Group To choose an ethnic or racial group which I belong to can be easy for those who see my physical appearance but it can be difficult for me to decide. The racial group I have always claimed and identified with is White non-Hispanic or Caucasian. To determine my particular ethnic group is unclear because I was adopted; however, I was raised by a German mother and Caucasian father, so I can categorize myself in with German-American ethnic group. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Inequality and Race or any similar topic only for you Order Now As I take look at the choices I can best associate with, I believe the best selection for me is White non-Hispanic or Caucasian racial group. Interactions It is difficult to pinpoint how races interact with each other. Historically in the past and present discrimination and prejudices have occurred against minority groups, like African Americans, Hispanics and Native Americans. According to Eitzen (2000), the critical feature of the minority group’s status is its inferior social position, in which its interests are not effectively represented in the political, economic, and social institutions of the society. In this viewpoint Whiteness is the normal or a natural condition. Eitzen (2000) further explains that this is a false picture of race. In reality, the racial order shapes the lives of all people, even Whites who are advantaged by the system. Just as social classes exist in relation to each other, races are defined, compared, and judged in relation to other races. Social Inequalities There are some people that will argue that social inequalities do exist because of race. Eitzen (2000) stated that the United States now faces serious new racial problems. These problems include the increasing isolation of minorities in central cities, growing minority unemployment, and other forms of economic dislocation. The American Prospect (2007) stated that poor African Americans were depicted as especially dysfunctional and undeserving of assistance, with an emphasis on violence, poor choices, and dependency. It further explains that the black underclass appears as a menace and a source of social disorganization in news accounts of black urban crime, gang violence, drug use, teenage pregnancy, riots, homelessness, and general aimlessness. For instance, minorities are over-represented in prison cells compared to white people. Not necessarily in numbers, but proportionally. This is argued, that it’s because the White race is more protected, they can afford better lawyers, receive preferential treatment by judges, and that that the minority groups are often targeted in drug busts and gang membership arrests more often than Whites. Schaefer (2012) points out that inner-city drive-by shootings have come to be seen as a race-specific problem worthy of local officials cleaning up troubled neighborhoods. Yet, schoolyard shootouts are viewed as a societal concern and placed on the national agenda Racial Prejudice Causes According to Schaefer (2012), racial prejudice is often used to justify keeping a group in a subordinate economic position. Conflict theorists, in particular, stress the role of racial and ethnic hostility as a way for the dominant group to keep its position of status and power intact. Competition is a huge factor in the causes of racial prejudices. Let’s say that one Black nurse and one White nurse are competing for a supervisor position, this competition could lead to racial hostility if one perceives the other being hired before them because of race. It could be that more education gives a broader outlook and makes a person less likely to endorse myths that sustain racial prejudice. If people are in competition, as already noted, contact may heighten tension. However, bringing people together to share a common task has been shown to reduce ill feelings when these people belong to different racial, ethnic, or religious groups. The key factor in reducing hostility, in addition to equal-status contact, is the presence of a common goal. (Schaefer, 2012) Conclusion According to Marti (n. d. ) the majority of White Americans will overlook the distinctive experiences of other racial and ethnic groups because they tend to believe discrimination is no longer an issue. They feel that America is a firmly established meritocracy because prominent African Americans are successful in sports and entertainment and because the outright denial of access to jobs, housing, and public accommodations is now illegal. Race is a social construction, and this process benefits the oppressor, who defines who is privileged and who is not. The acceptance of race in society as a genuine category allows the racial pecking order to emerge to the advantage of the dominant races. (Schaefer, 2012) References The American Prospect. (2007) Inequality, Race, and Remedy. Retrieved from http://prospect. org/article/inequality-race-and-remedy Eitzen, D. Stanley (2000) Social Problems (8th Ed. ). : Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Retrieved from http://dmc122011. delmar. edu/socsci/rlong/problems/chap-08. htm Gerald Marti. (n. d. ) Racial and Ethnic Dynamics among Contemporary Young Adults. Retrieved from http://www. changingsea. net/essays/Marti. pdf Schaefer, R. T. (2012). Racial and Ethnic Groups (13th ed. ). : Prentice-Hall. How to cite Social Inequality and Race, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Smart Medical System-Free-Samples for

Question: Discuss about the Smart Medical System. Answer: Introduction ACT Medical Center (AMC) and Canberra Software Development (CSD) are developing Smart Medical System or SMS in short. Project staff will include designer, analyst, tester and programmer from both the centers. Two technical staff members from each centre are assigned initially. Two developers from both the teams are assigned to develop programs using the Object Oriented Programming or OOP. In addition, a part time nurse will assign from the medical centre. The new Smart Medical System will contain many specifications that will help the centers to maintain and manage everything smoothly. The objective of this report is to understand the scope of the project and the selection of the Software Development Life Cycle methodologies and the four types of techniques, tools and models to support the activities and tasks of SMS development. The analysis report outlines a brief introduction about the scope of the project. It also includes the tools and techniques to support the SMS development activities. The impact of the selection of any methodology directly affects any project. The analysis report contains the SDLC methodology that is to be used for SMS development (Wells, 2012). It also outlines the advertisement of a junior analyst that is needed for this project. Suitable recommendations are provided in the report with a brief conclusion. The description of the discussion is given in the following paragraphs. Discussion on Project Schedule Theproject scheduleis the technique, which communicates what task is necessary to be executed, which resources of the company will execute the task and the time limit in which that particular task needs to be executed. Theproject schedulerepresents the entire task that are associated with submitting and delivering theprojectwithin time limit. Project schedule is extremely reasonable and important for this particular project as time limit will help the project to complete it within time or even before time. A given slot of time will also reduce and stop the use of excess resources for the project (Tuteja Dubey, 2012). Since the SMS project is related to patients, there is always an urgency to complete this project. SMS project will allow the doctors, nurses, receptionist and the management staff at the AMC to view patient history and schedule appointments using any laptop or computer inside or outside the centers. It will even upgrade the centre webpage, which will allow the patients to book appointments with the doctors via online. The third salient feature of this project is to develop a mobile application using the android studio that will allow the patients to pay bills and book appointments through that particular application. Therefore, this project is tremendously important for both the centers and thus project schedule is reasonable in this case. SDLC Methodologies The systems development life cycle or SDLC, which is also referred to as the application development life cycle, is an expression utilized in software engineering, information systems, and systems engineering to outline a process for testing, creating, planning, and installing an information system (Unuakhalu, 2014). There are generally six different types of Systems Development Life Cycle methodologies. They are as follows: Waterfall Model: This is the simplest and the oldest SDLC methodology (Model, 2015). In this model, at first a phase is finished, and then another phase is started. V-Shaped Model: This model is known as V-shaped model because the execution of the processes in this model happens in a sequential V-shape manner. Iterative Model: The iterative model focuses on the simple implementation that gains more complexity and a larger set of aspects until the system is completed. Spiral Model: This model is a risk driven process model generator for different software projects (Rastogi, 2015). This model helps the project to identify its risks and challenges. Big Bang Model: This particular model of SDLC does not have any specific process. The benefit of this model is that due to no specific process, the implementation of this model is extremely easy for any project. Agile Model: This SDLC model is the amalgamation of incremental and the iterative process models with the focus on customer satisfaction and adaptability of processes (Matharu et al., 2015). Suitable SDLC methodology for SMS Smart Medical System or SMS needs a suitable SDLC methodology to complete the project (Mishra Dubey, 2013). Software Development Life Cycle can be broadly classified into three categories. They are as follows: Predictive methodology b) Adaptive methodology c) Mixed methodology In this particular case study of SMS project, predictive methodology would be suitable to make the project complete soon. A predictive methodology is such a methodology that can predict the result of the project. It should contain three characteristics. The first feature is to support the design of the software proposed, so that it can meet the needs of the project (Sabale Dani, 2012). The second aspect is to support the construction of the software to reach the specific design of the project. The third and the last characteristic of predictive methodology is to support the deployment of the software to the production of the software. The example of predictive methodology is the Waterfall model. This particular model is the oldest and the simplest model that can be implemented in a sequential manner (Bassil, 2012). There are eight different phases of this model. They are as follows: Conception ii) Initiation Analysis iv) Design v) Construction vi) Testing Implementation Maintenance. The main advantage of this model is that the second step starts only when the first step executes. SMS project is a big project that has many steps. Waterfall model will be beneficial for this project as after completion of one-step, the other step will start (Balaji Murugaiyan, 2012). This will maintain a sequential manner in the steps of the project and will make the project free from errors. SDLC activities for SMS Waterfall model will be the best choice for Smart Medical System project as it has different steps that will make the project easier to implement (Alshamrani Bahattab, 2015). The detailed activities of this particular model in the SMS project are as follows: i) Conception: This is the first step of this model. In this step, the specific analyst proposes the conception of the project. He/she will bring the concept of this particular project and his/her proposition is selected amongst all other possible conceptions. ii) Initiation: After the first step is completed, that is the concept of the SMS project is selected, the project work starts. In the initiation step, the planning of the SMS project starts. Success of a project depends on its planning (Clarke OConnor, 2012). Therefore, this step is extremely beneficial for any project. Analysis: The analysis of a project is done in this phase. The tools, techniques and the methods of SMS project is done in the analysis step. Design: The design of the project is created in this phase. AMC and CSD will assign four technical officers to check the technical field of SMS project. Moreover, two developers will be assigned to develop the programs using Object Oriented Programming. The design is the USP of this project. The design should be in such a way that it meets all the requirements and the necessities of the project (Gupta, 2014). The requirements includes the medical and the management staff to access and view patient history with any computers, upgrade the centre webpage to allow the patients to book appointments of doctors online and also develop an application in mobile using android studio that will allow the patients to pay bills and book doctors appointment. The design of these massive requirements of the project is done in this particular step. As AMC and CSD have anticipated a five months development schedule for an initial version of the server software and android based client side software (Ku mar, Zadgaonkar Shukla, 2013). Amongst these five months, three months period is for design, so designing takes a much longer time. Construction: The construction of the SMS project is done in this particular step. This step is time consuming as the total construction of the project is done in this step. If there is any kind of errors in this step, the project will become a huge failure. However, if the construction of the project is good, the SMS project will be a huge success and beneficial to both AMC and CSD. Testing: The construction of a project will become successful if it passes the various testing techniques. Amongst the five months time taken by AMC and CSD, two months are for testing. There are various types of testing, which includes black box testing, white box testing (Larman, 2012). All these types of testing are done in this two months period. When the project will pass all the tests, it will be considered as a successful construction. Implementation: In this particular step, the final implementation of the project is done. If the project construction, testing and the coding of SMS project is perfect, the implementation of the project becomes successful. Similarly, if the construction, coding and testing of the project is imperfect and errors are there, the implementation of the project will become unsuccessful. The project leader and the staffs of both the centers have to be sure about the implementation step that whether the SMS project is actually ready or not. If the project is not ready, it is baseless to implement it. Maintenance: This is the last and the eight step of Waterfall model and the most important step in this whole model. A project and a system will never last forever if it is not maintained perfectly (Bassil, 2012). The maintenance of any system is extremely important. Similar case is with SMS project. Maintenance of this project should be done on an annual basis to tenure the longevity of the system. Four Models to Support SMS SMS project can be implemented using various SDLC models. In the above paragraphs, the utilization and the advantage of Waterfall model are clearly mentioned. However, this particular project can be implemented with three other models (Balaji Muruguiyan, 2012. The models that can be used to develop the SMS project are as follows: Waterfall Model b) Agile Model c) Spiral Model d) Big Bang Model. The above mentioned models will also help to develop the SMS project and will help the SMS project to be as successful it will be with Waterfall model. Advertisement of Junior Systems Analyst WALK-IN INTERVIEWS SMART MEDICAL SYSTEM We are recruiting for our new joint project of AMC and CSD Post: JUNIOR SYSTEMS ANALYST Skills required: Programming skills, good communication skills, management skills Experience: Minimum 3 years field experience Educational Requirements: B.E in IT, M.S Interested candidates please bring along the updated resume, qualification documents, 3 passport size photos and salary proof of previous jobs. Interviews on 5 September 2017 between 10.00am to 3pm at below mentioned venue: ACT Medical Centre A/214, George Street, Sydney, NSW, Australia - 2000 Conclusion Therefore, from the above discussion it can be concluded that Smart Medical System or SMS project will be a successful project and it will be beneficial for both ACT Medical Centre and Canberra Software Development. The project however will be more successful and longer lasting with a few recommendations. Since this is a big project, there should be at least two junior analysts, each from one of the centers; else, it will be creating a massive pressure on any one of them. Although Waterfall model is sequential model and it follows sequences, there is a drawback of this model. It is tremendously time consuming as only after finishing one step, the other step can start. This even increases the cost of the total project. In this case Big Bang model will be helpful. The maintenance of this project is mandatory, if not monthly, then annually. This will increase the longevity of the project and the project will improve day by day. The above-mentioned recommendations will help the project t o attain more success and thus will be helpful to the doctors, nurses and all the medical staff of ACT and CSD References Alshamrani, A., Bahattab, A. (2015). A comparison between three SDLC models waterfall model, spiral model, and Incremental/Iterative model.International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI),12(1), 106. Balaji, S., Murugaiyan, M. S. (2012). Waterfall vs. V-Model vs. Agile: A comparative study on SDLC.International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management,2(1), 26-30. Bassil, Y. (2012). A simulation model for the waterfall software development life cycle.arXiv preprint arXiv:1205.6904. Clarke, P., OConnor, R. V. (2012). The situational factors that affect the software development process: Towards a comprehensive reference framework.Information and Software Technology,54(5), 433-447. Gupta, A. (2014). Quality Assurance and Its Standards: Importance in Various SDLC Models.International Journal of Advanced research in Computer Science and Management studies,2(12). Kumar, N., Zadgaonkar, A. S., Shukla, A. (2013). Evolving a new software development life cycle model SDLC-2013 with client satisfaction.International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE),3(1), 2231-2307. Larman, C. (2012).Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object Oriented Analysis and Design and Interative Development. Pearson Education India. Matharu, G. S., Mishra, A., Singh, H., Upadhyay, P. (2015). Empirical study of agile software development methodologies: A comparative analysis.ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes,40(1), 1-6. Mishra, A., Dubey, D. (2013). A comparative study of different software development life cycle models in different scenarios.International Journal of Advance research in computer science and management studies. Model, W. (2015). Waterfall model.Luettavissa: https://www. waterfall-model. com/. Luettu,3. Rastogi, V. (2015). Software Development Life Cycle Models-Comparison, Consequences.International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies,6(1), 168-172. Sabale, R. G., Dani, A. R. (2012). Comparative study of prototype model for software engineering with system development life cycle.IOSR Journal of Engineering,2(7), 21-24. Stoica, M., Mircea, M., Ghilic-Micu, B. (2013). Software development: Agile vs. traditional.Informatica Economica,17(4), 64. Tuteja, M., Dubey, G. (2012). A research study on importance of testing and quality assurance in software development life cycle (SDLC) models.International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE),2(3), 251-257. Unuakhalu, M. F. (2014). Integrating Risk Management in System Development Life Cycle 1. Wells, H. (2012). How effective are project management methodologies? An explorative evaluation of their benefits in practice.Project Management Journal,43(6), 43-58.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Most Undisciplined Profligate Crew Essay Example

Most Undisciplined Profligate Crew Essay During the past twenty years, historians have learned that there were at least two Continental armies, the first being the army of 1775-1776, which was mostly made of large land owners who were expecting a short conflict, untrained and undisciplined, the second Continental army was built out of the first but had more discipline, a more difficult training regime, and called for longer enlistments. The first Continental army believed the quality of their ideals and their honorable pledge to defend their homes against the British would be enough to defeat the British quickly. The first Continental army lost quickly to the superior numbers and training of the British offensive against New York. Although the army was very zealous, it was not enough to defeat the well-seasoned British army. The first Continental army gave the blue prints for the second Continental army. With these blueprints George Washington called for a â€Å"respectable army† in which there was no more short term enlistments, there was arduous training, and a great emphasis on command and control. The second Continental army had many problems, such as starvation, poor clothing and the men weren’t being compensated well for their struggles. These tussles lead to protests, mutinies and desertion. The second Continental army consisted mostly of the poorer class of society, servants of numerous kinds, and the unemployed, and the second Continental army also used land and financial incentives to recruit these lower classes. We will write a custom essay sample on Most Undisciplined Profligate Crew specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Most Undisciplined Profligate Crew specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Most Undisciplined Profligate Crew specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The second Continental army was much more abrasive with the civilian populace, than the first Continental army, but was also more cohesive and effective once properly trained and disciplined. The Pennsylvania soldiers’ mutiny demonstrated that the veterans of the Continental army were being maltreated by their leaders who were not able to feed or cloth the soldiers accordingly and were not keeping to the contract stating the soldiers only signed up for three years instead of the duration. A thousand men mutinied on a planned signal and marched toward Philadelphia in order to receive the same benefits that the newer, less experienced soldiers were receiving. An officer was killed and two were wounded when several officers tried to control the mutineers. The majority of the mutineers did not want to leave the army, but instead wanted the correct pay, proper clothing and the liberty to leave or stay. This was evident when the mutineers performed appropriately to the civilians along the route to Philadelphia. Once the mutineers were able to plead their case to Congress, they received all they asked for including: the discharge of any three year enlistee who claimed to have completed his enlistment, back-pay, new clothes, and immunity from mutinying. The mutineers won because George Washington needed the manpower, and many of the men reenlisted right after being discharged. All of these men were veterans of the Revolutionary war and had already put three years into their future home and weren’t about to quit or give up at this point of the war. The different methods used by the soldiers and officers of the Continental army against the lack of government support were mutiny, looting, plundering, desertion, and protesting, the officers and soldiers were not able to unite because they were not allowed to fraternize, and the one time the officers encouraged a protest they were executed immediately for treason, even though the first volley shot at the prisoners was missed intentionally by the prisoners comrades in the firing squad. The soldiers mutinied largely twice against the state and were mostly victorious twice. The soldiers deserted and went to other recruiters to receive more bounties, and then repeated the process until the â€Å"bounty jumper† could not find any more places to receive bounties or until he was caught. The civilian populace quickly grew tired of being forced to â€Å"lend† goods to the looting and pillaging soldiers, but the soldiers thought of it as survival and patriotic since they were starving for the honorable and just cause of freedom. The officers protested and threatened to resign unless their wages were paid correctly and accommodatingly. The soldiers and officers did not unite because the officers were gentlemen and thought themselves above the rest of the regular soldiers, fraternization was against military regulations and the one time officers did get involved two men were executed.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Job evaluation Essays

Job evaluation Essays Job evaluation Essay Job evaluation Essay Job evaluation is a practical technique, designed to enable trained and experienced staff to judge the size of one job relative to others. It does not directly determine pay levels, but will establish the basis for an internal ranking of jobs. An approach designed to enable a job to be compared to all other jobs in an Institution in a systematic and transparent way in order to create a fair rank order of jobs, usually as the basis for a grading and pay structure, to ensure equal pay for work of equal value Some Principles of Job Evaluation Clearly defined and identifiable jobs must exist. These jobs will be accurately described in an agreed job description. ?All jobs in an organisation will be evaluated using an agreed job evaluation scheme. ?Job evaluators will need to gain a thorough understanding of the job ? Job evaluation is concerned with jobs, not people. It is not the person that is being evaluated. ?The job is assessed as if it were being carried out in a fully competent and acceptable manner. ?Job evaluation is based on judgement and is not scientific.However if applied correctly it can enable objective judgements to be made. ?It is possible to make a judgement about a jobs contribution relative to other jobs in an organisation. ?The real test of the evaluation results is their acceptability to all participants. ?Job evaluation can aid organisational problem solving as it highlights duplication of tasks and gaps between jobs and functions. Job Evaluation The Future As organisations constantly evolve and new organisations emerge there will be challenges to existing principles of job evaluation.Whether existing job evaluation techniques and accompanying schemes remain relevant in a faster moving and constantly changing world, where new jobs and roles are invented on a regular basis, remains to be seen. The formal points systems, used by so many organisations is often already seen to be inflexible. Sticking rigidly to an existing scheme may impose barri ers to change. Constantly updating and writing new jobs together with the time that has to be spent administering the job evaluation schemes may become too cumbersome and time consuming for the benefits that are derived.Does this mean that we will see existing schemes abandoned or left to fall into disrepute ? Will providers of job evaluation schemes examine and, where necessary, modify them to ensure they are up to date and relevant ? Simply sticking rigidly to what is already in place may not be enough to ensure their survival. Job Evaluation More Job evaluation is essentially one part of a tripartite subject, which is collectively referred to as Job Study (other names exist).The three parts are Job Analysis; Job Evaluation the information collected is evaluated using a numerical scale or ranking and rating methodology; and Merit Rating BSI definition (32542). BSI definition 32529 – â€Å"Any method ranking the relative worth of jobs which can then be used as a basis f or a remuneration system† It is essentially a comparative process. Job evaluation evaluates selected job factors, which are regarded as important for the effective performance of the job, according to one of several alternative methods. The resulting numerical gradings can form the basis of an equitable structure of job gradings.The job grades may or may not be used for status or payment purposes. Explanation: Job Evaluation is concerned with measuring the demands the job places on its holder. Most factors that contribute to this job pressure, e. g. physical strength required, knowledge of mathematics required, are assessed and the result is a numerical estimate of the total job pressure. When evaluations are carried out on all hourly paid personnel the technique’s uses include establishing relative wage rates for different tasks. It is possible to use it for all grades of personnel, even senior management. Illustration:The Time Span of Discretion is an interesting and unusual method of job evaluation developed by Elliot Jaques for the Glacier Metal Company. In this method the job pressure is assessed according to the length of time over which managers decisions commit the company. A machine operative, for example, is at any moment committing the company only for the period needed to make one product unit or component. The manager who buys the machine is committing the company for ten years. Job evaluation is the process of determining the appropriate Career Group and Role to which a position is assigned.The job evaluation process has four steps: Selecting the Occupational Family: The first step is to determine the appropriate Occupational Family by reviewing the vocational characteristics (the nature and type of work performed) outlined in the Employee Work Profile. Comparing and Selecting the Career Group: The second step is to compare the Concept of Work capsule that describes the array of work performed in the various Career Group Descriptions to the Employee Work Profile in order to determine the appropriate Career Group.Comparing and Selecting a Role within a Career Group: The third step is to evaluate and compare the Work Description (position objective; purpose of position; knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies; education, experience, certification and licensure; core responsibilities and special assignments) outlined in the Employee Work Profile to the various Role Descriptions and the factor matrices to determine the appropriate Role.Comparing to other positions within a Role to ensure consistency: The final step is to confirm the assignment of the position to the Role by checking to make sure that it is consistent with other positions assigned to the same Role Job Evaluation: Methods: The two most common methods of job evaluation that have been used are first, whole job ranking, where jobs are taken as a whole and ranked against each other. The second method is one of awarding points for various aspects of the job.In the points system various aspects or parts of the job such as education and experience required to perform the job are assessed and a points value awarded the higher the educational requirements of the job the higher the points scored. The most well known points scheme was introduced by Hay management consultants in 1951. This scheme evaluates job responsibilities in the light of three major factors know how, problem solving and accountability Ranking Ranking This method is one of the simplest to administer. Jobs are compared to each other based on the overall worth of the job to the organization.The worth of a job is usually based on judgements of skill, effort (physical and mental), responsibility (supervisory and fiscal), and working conditions. Advantages Simple. Very effective when there are relatively few jobs to be evaluated (less than 30). Disadvantages Difficult to administer as the number of jobs increases. Rank judgements are subjective. Since there is no st andard used for comparison, new jobs would have to be compared with the existing jobs to determine its appropriate rank. In essence, the ranking process would have to be repeated each time a new job is added to the organization. s of compensable factors are: Skill Responsibilities Effort Working Conditions Next, benchmark jobs are identified. Benchmark jobs should be selected as having certain characteristics. equitable pay (not overpaid or underpaid) range of the factors (for each factor, some jobs would be at the low end of the factor while others would be at the high end of the factor).The jobs are then priced and the total pay for each job is divided into pay for each factor. See example matrix below: Job Evaluation: Factor Comparison The hourly rate is divided into pay for each of the following factors: Job Hourly Rate . Pay for Skill Pay for Effort Pay for Responsibility Pay for Working Conditions This process establishes the rate of pay for each factor for each benchmark job. Slight adjustments may need o be made to the matrix to ensure equitable dollar weighting of the factors.The other jobs in the organization are then compared with the benchmark jobs and rates of pay for each factor are summed to determine the rates of pay for each of the other jobs. Advantages The value of the job is expressed in monetary terms. Can be applied to a wide range of jobs. Can be applied to newly created jobs. Disadvantages The pay for each factor is based on judgements that are subjective. The standard used for determining the pay for each factor may have build in biases that would affect certain groups of employees (females or minorities). Job Evaluation: Methods: Point MethodPoint Method A set of compensable factors are identified as determining the worth of jobs. Typically the compensable factors include the major categories of: Skill Responsibilities Effort Working Conditions These factors can then be further defined. Skill Experience Education Ability Responsibilit ies Fiscal Supervisory Effort Mental Physical Working Conditions Location Hazards Extremes in Environment The point method is an extension of the factor comparison method. Each factor is then divided into levels or degrees which are then assigned points. Each job is rated using the job evaluation instrument.The points for each factor are summed to form a total point score for the job. Jobs are then grouped by total point score and assigned to wage/salary grades so that similarly rated jobs would be placed in the same wage/salary grade. Advantages The value of the job is expressed in monetary terms. Can be applied to a wide range of jobs. Can be applied to newly created jobs. Disadvantages The pay for each factor is based on judgments that are subjective. The standard used for determining the pay for each factor may have built-in biases that would affect certain groups of employees (females or minorities).Performance appraisal, also known as employee appraisal, is a method by which t he performance of an employee is evaluated (generally in terms of quality, quantity, cost and time). The roots of performance appraisal can be found in Frederick Winslow Taylors time and motion study[citation needed]. Performance appraisal is a part of career development. Performance appraisals are a regular review of employee performance within organizations. Generally, the aims of a scheme are: Give feedback on performance to employees. Identify employee training needs. Document criteria used to allocate organizational rewards.Form a basis for personnel decisions-salary (merit) increases,promotions, disciplinary actions, etc. Provide the opportunity for organizational diagnosis and development. Facilitate communication between employee and administrator. Validate selection techniques and human resource policies to meet federal Equal Employment Opportunity requirements. A common approach to assessing performance is to use a numerical or scalar rating system whereby managers are ask ed to score an individual against a number of objectives/attributes. Employees are also allowed the opportunity to assess the person (manager) at the same time.This is known as 360 ° appraisal. The most popular methods that are being used as performance appraisal process are: Management by objectives (MBO) 360 degree appraisal Thus performance appraisal is important for effective human resource management. Performance appraisal is a process of evaluating employee performance in order to guide and develop the employees potential. In many extension organizations which are government departments, the performance appraisal is nothing more than a confidential judgement of work done and a character report used to facilitate disciplinary action or promotion.The employees do not get feedback about their performance. Extension organizations need to have an open appraisal system to provide feedback and opportunities for open discussion with employees on their performance, because they have immense potential to grow and develop. This system can create a healthy working climate and employee motivation. The performance appraisal which aims at facilitating employee development has the following major purposes: (1) to provide feedback and guidance, (2) to set performance goals, (3) to identify training needs, and (4) to provide inputs for management of pay administration, rewards, and promotion.The steps involved in effective performance appraisal are (1) identification of key performance areas and setting yearly objectives under each KPA, (2) identification of critical attributes for effective performance, (3) periodic review of performance, (4) discussion of performance with employees, and (5) identification of training and developmental needs (Pareek ; Rao, 1992). Potential Appraisal The potential appraisal is a future-oriented appraisal by which the potential of an employee to occupy higher positions and to assume higher responsibilities is evaluated.The potential appr aisal can help the extension staff to know their strengths and weaknesses and can motivate them to further develop their skills. Thus the potential appraisal helps in planning overall career development of employees. Some of the techniques used for the appraisal are self-appraisals, peer rating, the management by objectives (MBO) approach, psychological test and simulated work exercises, case analyses, and leadership exercises.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Read an article in an art magazine then write the summary Essay - 1

Read an article in an art magazine then write the summary - Essay Example However, one of the art directors was not amused with some of the artworks (Akinsha & Alisa 1). The depiction of President Viktor Yanukovych as an avenger and the overall reflection of the vicious peasant uprising of the 18th century were not welcome amongst conservatives in the Ukrainian art world. Another artist corrected foresaw the impending unrest before it happened. Tsagolov’s The Ghost of Revolution explored the struggles between protesters and police while supported by Mykola Ridnyi. Ridnyi displayed police boots roughly sculpted at the PinchkArtCenter and joined other painters in Maidan or Independence Square for street protest. Other anarchist-artists such as Mann and Ivan used rough walls to draw the image of a famous Ukrainian anarchist leader called Nestor Makhno to inspire protests to continue the demonstrations. However, other artists played safe such as Khomenko of the R.E.P group that drew conventional pencil portraits before giving them away. Performances such as the one titled The Kingdom of Darkness is Surrendered that used mirrors compelled police to view at their own reflections (Akinsha & Alisa